Monday, September 14, 2009

Well I was finally able to locate someone to do my lining u/s last minute this morning. I had to drive to Ft. Worth to Dr Kaufman's office. I had my labwork done here in town and it was ordered stat so it'd be ready and faxed to Cooper today. My u/s was scheduled for 2:15pm. I made it down there in time and found out that my fibroid has grown since my u/s in July. In July I was told the fibroid is very small and not interferring with my lining. Which was good. Today on the other hand showed that the fibroid is close to my lining and could possibly interfere. So not sure what is going to happen now. I'm upset because my labwork was not faxed to Cooper. The lab had to send out my progesterone and estradiol to the Mayo Clinic! URGH! It was ordered STAT. I don't understand why they didnt' bother saying something to me when I was in there about that. So I may have to have my bloodwork redrawn tomorrow.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My period finally started yesterday. I contacted Cooper on Friday to let them know that I was spotting and they are going to fax me orders on monday so I can get more labwork and an u/s done. We're on our way to transferring! Yeah!! We could be transferring as early as the end of this month. Mine seems like it has been forever to get to this point.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Test results are in and sent to Cooper! Woohoo! Now if my period would only start.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I've had the toxoplasmosis test done last week, now I'm just waiting on the results. They weren't in yesterday. I'll see if they're later today.